This Hunter macro is provided courtesy of Kevin Oldscratch from The Darkmoon Herald Podcast.
/cast [@focus,help][@pet,exists] Misdirection says it does the following:
If the unit saved as your focus target is a friend then:
Cast Misdirection on the unit saved as your focus target
Else, if your pet exists then:
Cast Misdirection on your pet
Hi Guys,
These Misdirect macros are nice and all, but to truly use Misdirect to its fullest you should use the Glyph of Misdirection. It resets the CD whenever you Misdirect to your pet. By creating macros for all your shots, you can effectively shunt all you aggro to your pet.
/cast [@focus,help][@pet,exists] Misdirection
/cast Multi-Shot
I have all my shots set up this way and all aggro goes to my pet. It still works if I have a Focus set up. Misdirect is no longer on the GCD, so the Misdirect line is ignored while Misdirect is on CD. And Misdirect will fire off every time it comes off CD.
Credit where credit is due, it was my raid leader, Gundox, who worked out macroing all your shots with the Misdirect.
Thanks for the great Show.
Argo of Holy Crit, Bladefist server
Argo, 90/Combat rogue; Argolon, 90/Survival hunter; Argomala 90/Elemental shaman; Argosin, 90/Arcarne mage; Argoshia, 90/Shadow priest; Argodai, 90/Feral druid; Deargo, 90/Affliction warlock