Who are you guys?
The Training Dummies are a group of friends with a wide range of experience that are going to answer your questions, and speak about topics on
helping you to be a better player.
Whether you’re flying solo, trying to get into some dungeons, or working out how to prepare for raiding, we’re here to help the player that needs a leg up to get started. We relay that message from the elite player that has that one tip that really made all the difference.
How did it all start?
The Training Dummies started as a nameless idea years ago where many of us would reflect on things spoken over voice chat, get-togethers, or phone calls amongst our guild’s members. The collective knowledge and experience we all brought to the table seemed like something that could be shared with others.
There were many times we’d have discussions or debates between each other regarding many different aspects of the game and the people playing it. We hope to expand on our varying degrees of opinions to give insights to World of Warcraft that players can relate to, build on, contribute to, and hopefully take away some helpful new advice, tips or thoughts for themselves.
For those struggling or simply not in the know, we hope to provide insight and information that can open new doors for you. Let’s bridge that gap and make this enjoyable for everyone!
Most of all, Thank you for taking the time to check us out!
– The Training Dummies