Category Archives: DPS

MOTW Ep 37 – Havoc & Fire and Brimstone

Hendlove is going strong for warlocks right now, so here are 2 of Hend’s favourite warlock macros.

Before the fight, set a focus target. (Try the MOTW from Ep 36!) Using the following macro will cast Havoc on that focus. If that target dies and you need to refocus and cast Havoc again, mouseover a new target and hit this. Sets as new target and casts Havoc!

#showtooltip Havoc
/focus [@mouseover,harm,nodead]
/cast [@focus,exists]Havoc explains it like this:

If the unit your mouse is currently over is an enemy and is not dead then:
Set your focus target to the unit your mouse is currently over

If the unit saved as your focus target exists then:
Cast Havoc on the unit saved as your focus target

This gem casts your Incinerate as normal, but if you hold down SHIFT, it will cast Fire and Brimstone first. This macro can also be used for Conflagrate, Immolate, and your Curses just as effectively!

#showtooltip Incinerate
/cast [mod:shift,harm]Fire and Brimstone
/cast [mod:shift,harm]Incinerate;[harm]Incinerate explains it like this:

If you were holding the shift key and the currently targeted unit is an enemy then:
Cast Fire and Brimstone

If you were holding the shift key and the currently targeted unit is an enemy then:
Cast Incinerate on the currently targeted unit

Else, if the currently targeted unit is an enemy then:
Cast Incinerate on the currently targeted unit

Time to blow stuff up!

MOTW Ep 34 – Tricks Of The Trade

Anne Stickney not only knows her lore, but her Tricks of the Trade macros as well. You get 2 for the price of 1 this week!

/cast [@targettarget] Tricks of the Trade

Cast Tricks of the Trade on the currently targeted unit’s currently targeted unit

/cast [target=Focus] Tricks of the Trade

Cast Tricks of the Trade on the unit saved as your focus target
Target the last enemy unit you had targeted

As always, these explanations are pulled from

Time to get stabby!

Ancestral Spirit with LB/HS

This macro will add ancestral spirit to your Lightning Bolt/Healing Surge macro, but you can add the Ancestral Spirit section to any macro you wish to help clear up some keyboard space.

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast [@mouseover,help,dead]Ancestral Spirit;[@mouseover,help]Healing Surge;[@mouseover,harm]Lightning Bolt;[help,dead]Ancestral Spirit;[help]Healing Surge;[harm]Lightning Bolt says it does the following:

If the unit your mouse is currently over is a friend and is dead then:
Cast Ancestral Spirit on the unit your mouse is currently over

Else, if the unit your mouse is currently over is a friend then:
Cast Healing Surge on the unit your mouse is currently over

Else, if the unit your mouse is currently over is an enemy then:
Cast Lightning Bolt on the unit your mouse is currently over

Else, if the currently targeted unit is a friend and is dead then:
Cast Ancestral Spirit on the currently targeted unit

Else, if the currently targeted unit is a friend then:
Cast Healing Surge on the currently targeted unit

Else, if the currently targeted unit is an enemy then:
Cast Lightning Bolt on the currently targeted unit


MOTW Ep 33 – Ascendance

A simple macro for a simple shaman.

/cast Ascendance
/cast Fire Elemental Totem

“Assuming that Glyph of Fire Elemental is beneficial to us in 5.2, this macro could come in super handy, as both cooldowns will both be up within 3 minutes. Ascendance does not take a GCD to pop, so pairing it with something else can make binding everything a bit easier. Even if the glyph isn’t optimal in 5.2, this overly simplified macro is great for openers.” – Saz

Hunter Macros from Episode 32

We discussed a lot of Hunter macros with Ghemit in Episode 32. Here they are in all their macrolicious glory!

Simple Misdirection
This casts Misdirection onto your friendly focus target (main tank) without deselecting your current target. If you have no focus target selected, it will cast Misdirection onto your pet.

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [@focus,exists][@pet,exists] Misdirection

This macro will cast Misdirection on the target you are currently mousing over, provided that they are friendly and not dead. Otherwise, it will cast Misdirection on your focus target, if they are friendly and not dead. If this is not a valid choice either, it will cast Misdirection on your current target.

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][] Misdirection

This hunter macro casts Readiness (When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on all Hunter abilities with a base cooldown less than 5 minutes) immediately following your Rapid Fire ability (Increases ranged attack speed by 40% for 15 sec).

#showtooltip Readiness
/cast [nomod] Rapid Fire
/cast [nomod] Readiness
/cast [mod:shift] Rapid Fire

This is a really handy macro for Wow if you PVP alot and get someone up in your face as a Hunter. It clears your target and targets another enemy that is closer, then casts your Hunter’s Scatter Shot on it.

#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast Scatter Shot

Easy mouse over scatter macro

#showtooltip scatter shot
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] scatter shot

This macro allows you to cancel your Deterrence (by pressing it twice). This is useful, because while Deterrence is active, you cannot perform any attacks. With this macro, you can use Deterrence to avoid a specific boss ability and then quickly resume DPS.

#showtooltip Deterrence
/cast Deterrence
/cancelaura Deterrence

Enhance Shaman LB/Heal Macro

This macro is straight out of Hend’s Enhancement playbook with only a slight modification: the @player condition at the end.

#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/cast [@mouseover,help]Healing Surge; [@mouseover,harm]Lightning Bolt; [@target,help]Healing Surge; [@target,harm]Lightning Bolt;[@player]Healing Surge says it does the following:

If the unit your mouse is currently over is a friend then:
Cast Healing Surge on the unit your mouse is currently over

Else, if the unit your mouse is currently over is an enemy then:
Cast Lightning Bolt on the unit your mouse is currently over

Else, if the currently targeted unit is a friend then:
Cast Healing Surge on the currently targeted unit

Else, if the currently targeted unit is an enemy then:
Cast Lightning Bolt on the currently targeted unit

Cast Healing Surge on you
